WA Aerial pic

WA Aerial pic
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Monday, December 12, 2011

G8 Tech Class #36

Following our Due Dates for G8 - Project 3  Evaluate and Presentation are due today.

Be prepared to explain and show your GAME following the Design Specifications:
  • educational game
  • cater for a specific age group
  • teach about: (specific content/subject)
  • have at least 2 levels of difficulty
  • have at least 10 Sprites
  • talk about the process of creation
  • issues you had to overcome
  • timeline/time management
  • group work
  • strengths / weaknesses / areas of improvement

The presentation needs to include:
  • Evaluate stage content
    • reflect on performance in each stage of the design cycle
    • strengths and weaknesses of each stage
    • compare your predicted time with the actual time
    • any changes? explain why?
    • impact of the product on you, others, environment, etc

  • Multimedia elements (if possible)
    • sound
    • animation
    • video (if applicable)
    • motion
    • images
    • etc
Today's Google screen celebrates the birthday of Robert Noyce, co-founder of Intel and nicknamed “the Mayor of Silicon Valley”.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

G8 Tech Class #35

Following our Due Dates for G8 - Project 3 we will continue working on Create stage.

You will need to work on finishing your Game coding it in Scratch programming language.
Make sure it meets all the Essential Design Specifications and it can also meet the Desirable ones.

You can use the Design Folder Checklist  to make sure all elements of the Create stage are present:
  •  having a very visually detailed Process Journal including many and varied visual evidence of the process of creation of your product (images + Scratch code).
  • talk about your time management and how you followed (or not) your original Plan.
  • Did you need to make any changes to your chosen Game Design?
Create stage is due today.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

G8 Tech Class #34

Today you have a chance to finish Plan stage, as we did not have enough time to work on it last class with the visit of our Guest Speaker: Henry Leatham.
If you have submitted Plan on time according to the G8 Due Dates - Project 3 you will have extra credit for working hard on staying on task! :-)

Following our G8 Due Dates - Project 3 planned dates, we will be working on Create stage today and next class.
Remember what the core elements in Create are:
    • The game!
    • tools and techniques showing how you made your product
    • journal entries of all your progress in your process Journal, specially step by step visual evidence!
    • any changes needed? why?

Don't forget to include the Assignment Standards and make your Process Journal entry of the day, including screen shots of your progress of creating the game!

Friday, December 2, 2011

G8 Tech Class #33

Today we will welcome a Guest Speaker: Junior Student - Henry Leatham! He will share with us his experience and examples of Scratch developed Games!

Today we will be working on Plan stage.

Remember to:

    1. make a detailed step by step list of tasks/instructions on how your educational Game will be created (think as if someone else will program you Game using the instructions you provide)
  1. show a timeline of tasks and resources that will guide you through the next stage: Create. Make a graph: Gantt or CPM (Critical Path Method usually used together with PERT) . Use the concepts we talked about in class and during this semester: simultaneously, overlapping, sequencial
  2. Include evidence of planning for materials and resources usage
  3. Make any changes you considered needed to your chosen presentation design.
Don't forget to include the Assignment Standards and make your Process Journal entry.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

G8 Tech Class #32

Today we will be working on Design stage.

Based on our class discussions, I suggest you look into these prompts to think/review your design specifications and develop your designs:
  • What will your game teach about?
  • What makes a game fun/exciting?
  • What do you like in a game?
  • Do you like any specific apps / games?
  • Can you make your own version of an app/game you like?
  • What makes an app/game successful?
  • Would an app/game need instructions?
  • Can you develop a Procedure/Instructions manual for it?
  • Will it have different parts? levels? challenges?
Remember to include all parts needed in your Design stage:
  • variety of designs (at least 3)
  • explain all parts of each design
  • to explain your designs use: storyboards, sketches, arrows, labelled diagrams, etc
  • Evaluate each design against all design specs (from your Investigation stage)
  • Choose one design and justify why

Before you leave you need to make your Process Journal entry of the day!
Design stage is due today.

Due dates for Project 3 have been posted, visit G8 Due Dates - Project 3 to plan ahead and know what is  due and when.

November 30th: Mark Twain's 176th birthday!

Monday, November 28, 2011

G8 Tech Class #31

Welcome back! Hope you had a great Thanksgiving break!

Today we will continue working on Project 3: Scratch-ing!

We will work on this Quizz to further understand and learn about Scratch:

Please use the documents/tutorials and getting started guides that I am posting below as a starting point for your research. More references and information are listed below the Questionnaire.

Scratch Reference Guide 14

You can also watch these video tutorials
to further develop
your training in Scratch.

Make your Journal entry in your process Journal

Thursday, November 17, 2011

G8 Tech Class #30

Today we will continue working on our Investigation stage for Project 3: Scratch-ing!

While working on Investigation please: