WA Aerial pic

WA Aerial pic
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Friday, October 28, 2011

G8 Tech Class #23

Following our short last class due to half day schedule, we will continue working on Plan today.

Please visit last class blog spot for details on Plan stage. You can also use the Design Folder Checklist to make sure you don't leave anything out. Remember that details are a must! :-)

To break down your tasks during our next stage: Create, list them, follow up with them, graph them as GANTTs or CPMs and the resources used, you can use Zoho projects to plan, track and collaborate on your Project 2.

You can also use a spreadsheet again, as in Project 1.

I came across this Explanation of Plagiarism that I thought may be interesting to share:

Plagiarism, Explained by Common Craft

An introduction of the basics of plagiarism and how to avoid it, told via a story of a student completing an assignment

Add the Due Dates for Project 2 to your planner to stay on task.
Last but not least: Process Journal of the day!!!!

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

G8 Tech Class #22

Today we have a short class as we are having a half day schedule as shown on the right:

Start working on Plan stage. Remember to:

  1. make a detailed step by step list of tasks/instructions on how the chosen Design/Presentation will be created (think as if someone else will built/create your product based on these instructions)
  2. show a timeline of tasks and resources that will guide you through the next stage: Create. Use the Gantt and CPM (Critical Path Method usually used together with PERT) concepts we talked about in class and during last project: simultaneously, overlapping, sequencial
  3. Include evidence of planning for materials and resources usage
  4. Make any changes you considered needed to your chosen presentation design.
Don't forget to make your Process Journal entry.

Monday, October 24, 2011

G8 Tech Class # 21

Today we will continue working on Design.

Please visit last class' Blog post to review the details for this stage.

Design is due today at the end of the day. Please follow the steps to submit assignments in Technology class and include Assignments Standards.

Remember to check the G8 Due Dates to stay on task and record your progress in your Process Journal.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

G8 Tech Class # 20

Welcome to class # 20!!!! (for Thursday, October 20th)

Today we will work on Design. You will need to:

  • Come up with  different ideas (aprox 3) of how will your group make an efficient presentation on your Digital Citizenship element (Vandalism, Plagiarism, Literacy, Netiquette, etc)
  • Following our conversations during last class, I have listed each group in: G8 Proj 2 - Digital Citizenship Elements Assignments 
  • Explain every part of each idea/product solution
  • For explaining your ideas, please use different techniques like story boards, sketches, labelled diagrams, slideshows, with explanations, etc.
  • Evaluate each design critically against the design specifications (assess what design specs each design meets or not)
  • Choose one design to build and which Web 2.0 tool  will you use for this product. Please review the options we discussed in class, posted in G8 Tech Class # 17
  • Justify your choice of design and tool.
  • Evaluate your performance in the Design stage of the project.
Look below!!!, I found out about this, this morning :-)

New Presentation Options in Google Docs

Smetimes a  few drawbacks to using Google Docs to create presentations was a lack of varied transition and animation options. Today, Google addressed that issue by introducing a new set of Google Docs presentation tools. The new Google Docs presentation tools include transitions and animations more alike in PowerPoint. There is also a new selection of themes! I think is worth looking into as this was released just in time for Design!!! :-)

    You can use the Design Folder Checklist as a guide not to leave anything out of your Design Stage.

    Remember to check the G8 Due Dates to stay on task.

    Record what you accomplish today, what's your plan for next class, any issues you had to overcome, etc in your Process Journal

    If you have not turned in Investigation last class, please do so today.

    Monday, October 17, 2011

    G8 Tech Class #19

    Today we need to finish Investigation and start Design.

    Visit Tech Class # 17 for details on the Investigation stage and dynamic to be used  for Project 2.

    I will assign each group a strand within Digital citizenship, so as a group we address Digital Citizenship as a whole.
    • cyber bulling
    • vandalism
    • plagiarism
    • netiquette
    • digital literacy
    • digital communication
    • rights and responsibilities
    • digital commerce
    • digital health and wellness
    Remember that your Final product: An efficient presentation to teach others about Digital Citizenship.

    You can continue working using this G8 Investigation Draft as a starting point.

    Don't forget about the Assignment Standards!! (header, footer, and more) and your Process Journal entry of the day!

    Investigation is due today and you need to start thinking about Design.

    Visit the G8 Due Dates webpage to stay on task.

    Thursday, October 13, 2011

    G8 Tech Class #18

    Today we will continue working on Investigation.

    Please visit last class's blog post for details on Project 2 Intro, class discussions, suggested options for Web 2.0 tools, etc.

    Investigation is due next class following the Due Dates for Project 2. Look at these dates and plan accordingly to stay on task during Project 2.

    Record today's progress in your Process Journal before leaving..

    We will also use part of our class to complete a Learning Styles Self Assessment Survey.
    Please login as a student in the WA website to access the instructions and codes needed.

    Tuesday, October 11, 2011

    G8 Tech Class #17

    Today we will start working on Project 2: Presenting Presentations

    Let's start thinking about the following for Project 2: 
    What are presentations tools for?
    • Help you create digital stories, scrapbooks, projects and reports
    • Share basic info and "beyond bullet points"
    • Provide a tool for groups of people to work collaboratively on a presentation
    • Provide multimedia alternatives for paper presentations
    • Provide background for a guest speaker
    • Organize research on topics of interest
    • Present remotely/online? - can we do it without having to carry equipment or worry about fonts, backgrounds, etc.?
    • What would you add?

    What makes an efficient presentation (clear, articulate, engaging)?
    • Introduce yourself?
    • How many slides?
    • Body language?
    • Read from the screen?
    • Spelling, punctuation, grammar?
    • Visual organization?
    • What would you add?

      What kind of presentations tools can we use? You can watch this video on Web 2.0 Presentation tools and we can discuss it in class.

      The dynamic of Project 2 will be as follows:
      • regroup for this project with someone you have not worked with on Project 1
      • "Big" question for Project 2: How do you make an efficient presentation on Digital Citizenship?
      • discuss the lines of Inquiry for this project
        • What is a presentation?
        • What makes an efficient presentation?
        • What is Web 2.0? Can this be useful to make efficient presentations?
        • What tools (other than Powerpoint or Keynote) can I use to make an efficient presentation?
        • What is Digital Citizenship?
        • How can we teach about it to others?
      • Start working on Investigation. You can use this G8 Investigation Draft as a starting point.
      • Remember to make a copy of the Shared Doc. If you need help please watch the step by step video tutorial in my YouTube Channel.
      • Final product: An efficient presentation to teach others about Digital Citizenship.

      Remember to complete all parts of Investigation:
      • State the problem
      • Design Brief
      • Relate to AOIs, yourselves, society
      • Pose the guiding questions
      • Research to answer the guiding questions you came up with (use a variety of different sources! Books, magazines, articles, web, etc... not only www ;-)
      • Develop the Design Specifications (Essential and Desirable)
      • Cite your sources (Biblio in MLA format)
      • How will you test your presentation to make sure it is efficient?
      • Don't forget about the Assignment Standards!! (header, footer, and more)
      Before you leave you need to make your Process Journal entry of the day!

      Wednesday, October 5, 2011

      G8 Tech Class #15

      Today, following our G8 Due Dates webpage we are going to be working on Evaluate stage and racing your cars!!!! All the data you can gather from testing and racing your cars will be useful for your Evaluate stage!

      At the end of Project 1, you should be able to:

      Evaluate the product you created: Rubber Band Powered Car
      • carry out tests to see if the Car met the design specifications
      • reflect on the success (and/or failure) of the Car in an objective manner based on testing
      • reflect on the impact of building the Car on you and on society (look beyond yourselves and this class.....)
      • explain how the Car could be improved.

      Evaluate your use of the Design Cycle: 
      • reflect on your performance at each stage of the design cycle (reflect about strengths and weaknesses/areas of improvements of each stage)
      • compare your planned timeline with the actual use of time
      • explain the changes you made (if any) 
      • identify the parts that you found difficult and suggest ways in which your work during Project 1 could be improved. 
        To submit your Evaluate stage today, please make sure you follow the Steps to submit your assignments posted in the MYP Technology website.
        You can always use the Design Folder Checklist to make sure your Evaluate stage is complete.

        Monday, October 3, 2011

        G8 Tech Class #14

        Following our G8 Due Dates webpage today we will work on presenting your products. Be prepared to show and explain your final product: RUBBER BAD POWERED CAR!

        You will have some time to fine tune details and retouches to your Car before we start with the presentations.

        Each group will have 7 minutes to explain to the audience:
        • present you built car, 
        • operational,
        • talk about the process of creation
        • issues you had to overcome
        • What design specifications does the Car meet? Essential? Desirable?
        • reflect on timeline/time management
        • Group work/collaboration