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Tuesday, October 18, 2011

G8 Tech Class # 20

Welcome to class # 20!!!! (for Thursday, October 20th)

Today we will work on Design. You will need to:

  • Come up with  different ideas (aprox 3) of how will your group make an efficient presentation on your Digital Citizenship element (Vandalism, Plagiarism, Literacy, Netiquette, etc)
  • Following our conversations during last class, I have listed each group in: G8 Proj 2 - Digital Citizenship Elements Assignments 
  • Explain every part of each idea/product solution
  • For explaining your ideas, please use different techniques like story boards, sketches, labelled diagrams, slideshows, with explanations, etc.
  • Evaluate each design critically against the design specifications (assess what design specs each design meets or not)
  • Choose one design to build and which Web 2.0 tool  will you use for this product. Please review the options we discussed in class, posted in G8 Tech Class # 17
  • Justify your choice of design and tool.
  • Evaluate your performance in the Design stage of the project.
Look below!!!, I found out about this, this morning :-)

New Presentation Options in Google Docs

Smetimes a  few drawbacks to using Google Docs to create presentations was a lack of varied transition and animation options. Today, Google addressed that issue by introducing a new set of Google Docs presentation tools. The new Google Docs presentation tools include transitions and animations more alike in PowerPoint. There is also a new selection of themes! I think is worth looking into as this was released just in time for Design!!! :-)

    You can use the Design Folder Checklist as a guide not to leave anything out of your Design Stage.

    Remember to check the G8 Due Dates to stay on task.

    Record what you accomplish today, what's your plan for next class, any issues you had to overcome, etc in your Process Journal

    If you have not turned in Investigation last class, please do so today.

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