Based on our class discussions, I suggest you look into these prompts to think/review your design specifications and develop your designs:
- What will your game teach about?
- What makes a game fun/exciting?
- What do you like in a game?
- Do you like any specific apps / games?
- Can you make your own version of an app/game you like?
- What makes an app/game successful?
- Would an app/game need instructions?
- Can you develop a Procedure/Instructions manual for it?
- Will it have different parts? levels? challenges?
Remember to include all parts needed in your Design stage:
- variety of designs (at least 3)
- explain all parts of each design
- to explain your designs use: storyboards, sketches, arrows, labelled diagrams, etc
- Evaluate each design against all design specs (from your Investigation stage)
- Choose one design and justify why
Before you leave you need to make your Process Journal entry of the day!
Design stage is due today.
Due dates for Project 3 have been posted, visit G8 Due Dates - Project 3 to plan ahead and know what is due and when.
November 30th: Mark Twain's 176th birthday!